Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Mission Trip 2014: Pastors and Wives Seminar

The pastors and wives seminar was attended by forty-five pastors and wives. Pastor Noel Alberto spoke about "Enhancing Marriage Relationship for a Fruitful Ministry"
Pastor Tony Gatdula taked about "Developing Ministry Skills Using Different Tools " and Trevor Plumley discussed "Stewardship"

The books we brought from the USA was distributed to each family before the seminar ends as supplementary materials for their ministry.

Below are some selected pictures from the seminar.
Some of the books and Bibles we had given away to the pastors and wives.

Pastor Noel taking about Marriage.

Trevor Plumley taking about Stewardship

From the left, Kevin Stewart, Pastor Douglas Famular and Michael Armstrong.

Pastor Noel Alberto and wife Gina Alberto.
Pastor Mike Sanches and wife, Monette.

More photos
Venue and Stages
Orientation and Pharmacy Setup
God's Providence Displayed
Medical Mission Proper
Joint Worship Service
Feeding Program
Prison Ministry
Sunday Service