Friday, May 1, 2015

8 Tips for Missions Trip Preparation

So you have heard a beautiful story from a friend who went to a missions trip outside the country. You were so encouraged and have thought about going to the missions trip when the opportunity arrives. Your next question though is, how do I prepare for the missions trip?

Preparation for the missions trip is not just about getting your luggage ready and making sure you have everything you may need. There's more to it. Below are among the things we thought would help you be physically and mentally equipped for the trip:

1. Pray
Praying is the first and foremost step yo should take. Nothing beats the wisdom that comes from the maker of all. Ask for the will of God if this is the trip that He wants you to work with, if it is His will that you go and ask Him to prepare your heart for the missions.

2. Get Passport and Travel Documents Ready (And visa if needed)
One of the prerequisites of going outside the country is passport and to some countries, like the USA, you'll need a visa in order to enter the country. Thankfully if you plan to go to the Philippines, you don't have to worry about visa. There's a lot of information on the web so just browse and you'll know all about the treavel documents that you need.

3. Get Vaccination.
Prevention is better than cure. It's better to get this than to suffer and not be able to do the work in the mission just because you were sick.

4. Join a Mission/Evangelism Team or look for Contact Person.
Finding a good Bible teaching church is as hard as finding a good missions organization. There are so many organizations out there but not all of them are good. Ask you friend, who went to the missions trip or you your long-term missionary friends and ask for a good organization to work with. If you are in a Bible-teaching church chances are they have a missions organization themselves.

5. Study the Word of God.
Be equipped. Be ready. The primary ready missionaries should be going is to proclaim the gospel. If you don't know the gospel, how are you gonna proclaim it? As the saying goes, you can not give what you do not have.

6. Be Familiar with the Country of Destination.
Now a days, all information are all over the web. You just have to make time to search and read about. If you know someone who was from that country, it will be a good idea to ask them about their language, culture, climate etc that way you'll understand them. It's good to be able to interact with the people in the country of your destination without offending them or being offended.

7. Prepare to Serve.
Missions trip is not a vacation, where you get to relax and pamper yourself. It is serving. Sometimes, you'll have to work all day. You'll be physically tired but the Lord is the source of strength and joy.

8. Think of ways to raise fund or start saving for the trip.
There are so many ways to raise fund. Many people understands missions and would love to partner with you. If you can save for it, great! However, this is also a good opportunity for other to be able to serve in the missions by sending you so don't hesitate to ask.
Here are few ways to raise funds:
a. Send a support letter and insert a prayer card
b. Make and sell something
c. Setup an online campaign and send it to your friends. ( is great!)

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