Monday, July 7, 2014

Quotations from Hudson Taylor

One of the things that keep many people from becoming missionaries, even short-term, is the thought that they lack resources or are severely limited.

But, after working in short-term missions for the past three years in some capacity, I've found that God has always supplied more than we have needed, both materially and spiritually. I am not an eloquent preacher by any means, but God is with us when we go, and He leads us all the way. If you've been challenged by your church or others to work in missions and you've wrestled with the "how" of missions, don't wrestle with it. We are all called in some way to serve in missions, whether we are going or sending.

Many of us are guilty of this. We think that the great commission that God has given us is just an option for us to choose when we feel that we are comfortable and has something extra to give. It is a good reminder to us that it is not an option but a command to be obeyed.

Plain and simple. God supplies our needs when we do His will.

James Hudson Taylor was a British Protestant Christian missionary to China and founder of the China Inland Mission, which is now Overseas Missionary Fellowship International. He spent 51 years in China that resulted in thousands of conversions to Christianity.